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Writer's pictureErin Saulino

Beyond disappointing

America- shame on you. The double standard that is front and center right now is beyond obvious. FYI- if you don’t want a political post, feel free to skip.

VP Harris is the presumptive nominee for the democrats. Reading through multiple news articles, watching panels of voters- Pro trump, independent and undecided, I am so disappointed that the first comments are about her race and sex. Then, there are the comments about her not being qualified to be president. Like, what has she done the last 3 years as VP?

If the situation was reversed, and former VP Pence had to step up if Donald Trump left the race, would there be the same questions? Seriously, what did Pence do during his time as VP that did not involve promoting Trumps’s agenda except on January 6th? Nothing. He did nothing.

Maybe the headline would read “Old white evangelical guy steps up to the plate ready to take over the Presidency.”

On TV today, I watched a panel of independent and undecided voters discuss how concerned they were that Harris did nothing to stop Biden or raise concern about his mental state. Last time I checked, Pence did nothing about the craziness that came out of Trump, and all the discussions about the 25th amendment after January 6th. So why the double standard?

The pro Trump panel, about 8-9 women, seriously questioned Harris’s intelligence. They think she’s dumb. Not sure if they’ve listened to any of Trumps’ ramblings in the past few years or not. But I’m sure some talking heads are really pushing how dumb she is, how she was only chosen for her sex and race. Real classy.

To the US Represntitive from Tennessee who called VP Harris an unqualified DEI pick, maybe you should take a closer look at yourself. You are an old white male who won his very small district. Most likely, you were elected for being an old white guy. Harris was an accomplished prosecutor for years and was elected Senator from California. Last time I checked, California is bigger than any representative’s district in this country.

As someone who was in management for years, but one of the only women at the table, I would regularly receive feedback that I was doing a great job considering I’m a wife and mother. This always bothered me because what does that have to do with my job performance? How many men at that table were told they did great despite being dads. None.

I have a daughter and a son. I want them both to be successful in whatever they choose to do in life. But I never want my daughter to be told she’s doing well for being a woman.

For all the women out there who think it’s ok to denigrate Harris for being a woman and a woman of color, I hope you either don’t have daughters or if you do, their daughters succeed in life despite the sexism and racism.

Our daughters are listening, do not think they are not. We need to stop the petty insults, the ones that revolve around characteristics that are not at all determinitive of being qualified to be president. Don’t have kids? According to JD Vance you are useless and don’t contribute to society. Own cats? Well, that makes you crazy. Holding people to double standards based on their sex? Obnoxious and reflects upon those who believe and does not indicate much intelligence.

Let’s talk about actual issues. The American people deserve substance and not insults. What are their positions on the economy, immigration, women’s health care, national security, the US’s standing on the world stage. If your issue with any candidate is based on talking heads’ talking points, involving anyone’s qualifications based on race and sex, maybe you need to look inside yourself- closely.

People’s experience based on their own race and sex do contribute to how they will do the job. Not a doubt at all. Being a working mom, I am a multitasker. That is a plus for me. Being aware of how I was treated for being the sole woman at the table also makes me aware of how I’m perceived and how I perceive others. In no way am I saying let’s be colorblind. People’s cultural backgrounds shape who they are. They can bring compassion, competitive natures, the ability to have thick skin, to understand other’s who are different from them or share overlapping qualities.

I’m tired of the question of whether America is ready for a woman president. The question should be, are we ready for a competent president?

Pic of me the crazy dog lady.

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