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Writer's pictureErin Saulino

Practically speaking

I don't want to get into politics, and it's never a good subject. However it am a very practical person, and like when things work the way they are supposed to.

Our political system is a divided government on purpose. The idea is that no one branch or party controls everything, there are checks and balances.

Divided government means that no one group or branch will necessarily get their way- they have to work together. Congress seems to have forgotten this and is failing at its only goal- legislate. With such a narrow majority in both houses, the only way to pass anything is to do this crazy thing called work together. However, that seems to have been forgotten by Congress.

Did you know that congressmen and women make $174,000 regardless of whether they actually legislate and even when the government shuts down? So when regular government workers don't get paid because of a shutdown, congress still does get paid and a lot of money at that.

I like compromise- it's messy, no one is getting everything they want, but it generally gives something to everyone. We don't need to be a country of extremes in either political direction. We need policies that help people, infrastructure, safety, protects their rights not limits them, ensures that the food chains are safe and efficient, pharmaceuticals are regulated, the military is prepared and their families supported. The list can go on and on. The reality is that while people want smaller government and less interference in their personal lives, they also want their medicare and social security checks. Who does want the government poking around in their private lives? I certainly do not. I like people who are experts in their field determining safety policies and helping me navigate my medical care. I am a lawyer, not a doctor. Why would l make decisions for people that I am absolutely not qualified to make?

Respect is missing in today's society. The 24 hour news cycle, X, facebook, tik tok are more important than actually getting the job done. It is really easy to make a meme, get everyone to laugh at the absurdity of it, but what does that say about us as a society? You are either with us, or against us and by the way, we will completely make fun of you and it's not in good fun. It is nasty, it is uncaring, it is ignorant and its dangerous. Swatting is becoming more and more common. That is absolutely dangerous and incomprehensible that people will go to such lengths. This is coming from the left and the right, and I'm just tired of it. Most people in this country want to live their lives as they see fit, they want to live peacefully, they want their kids to go to safe schools, for their to be ample jobs for all skill levels, for their to be affordable housing and healthcare. But with the onset of social media and 24 "news" channels, that ideal is gone. It's now about being afraid that someone will take away your rights, be it the right to own a gun to be able to get lifesaving healthcare.

I actually do not care for when one party controls the Congress and the White House. There is very little compromise and one side's extreme views are pushed through.

The art of civility also seems to have disappeared as well. The basic understanding of how government works and respect for the institutions has also been severely eroded.

While people may say I'm naive and ignorant, I'm not. I'm a realist, a pragmatist. If you are hired for a job, you should actually attempt to do it. Also- voters are not stupid either. They do not want rights taken away or told how to live their lives like they are incapacitated or toddlers. They are adults. While I do not agree with everyone, everyone should get a vote. Whomever you support, please come out and vote. Apathy is not acceptable. There will never be perfect candidates, because we have a divided government. I will always exercise my right to vote, even if I vote for the candidate I think is least worst of two bad choices.

Picture of my pups, cause they make me happy. 💜💜💜💜

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