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Writer's pictureErin Saulino

The reality of losing 50+ lbs - Part 1

Have you ever heard of body dysmorphia? Where your body image is skewed? That was definitely an issue I had and still do today.

In high school, I thought I was fat. Reality was that I was never overweight or fat in high school, but that was the picture of myself I had in my mind. It's kind of like that meme, you wish you were high school fat today.

Starting in college, I was actually overweight and eventually considered obese. Then I had two kids and gained more weight. I lost about 30lbs using isogenix in 2016, but gained it all back when I stopped the program.

I started playing basketball at night with some friends and working out regularly. But covid hit, and I became a bread making, work from home and sit on the couch kind of mom. I gained more weight and was cooking and baking like crazy. Oh, and I was drinking a lot of wine during the week and out socially on the weekends.

Fast forward to May 23, 2022. I had just gotten back from a trip with my husband to St. John's USVI. It was absolutely amazing. But I came back sick. It was probably some GI virus, but I couldn’t shake it. After talking with my doctor, I had a ton of tests done- bloodwork, colonoscopy, and a full abdominal scan. The results were that I had pre-diabetes, an extremely elevated inflammation marker, a large gallstone and fatty liver disease.

When I was faced with all of these things, I started to freak out. This was the biggest wake up call I could have had. I went to see a doctor who specialized in healthy weight loss. The only way to combat/reverse my health issues was to lose weight and change my diet and lifestyle.

So I do. It took me a year, and I am still struggling today to maintain, but I lost 55lbs at one point and now am at 45lbs down. All of my markers are in the normal range now.

Check out Part 2 to find out what changes I made.

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